I found out about The Adventure Project through a blog I read regularly - Meg Duerksen of Whatever. Meg is who I'd like to be when I grow up, except that I'm a lot older than Meg. Meg is a woman of faith who loves her family and gives back. She's traveling to Haiti soon to witness first-hand what the folks at The Adventure Project are doing. Meg has previously traveled to Africa, Sierra Leone, with Jody and a group of women. Now, she's traveling to Haiti. Have you forgotten about Haiti and the devastation from the earthquake that happened just over three years ago?
There are several different causes you can donate to through The Adventure Project. The project Meg has blogged about, and her reason for traveling to Haiti, is to raise money for efficient coal-burning stoves to help the air these folks are breathing in, create jobs, and help them save money. A $20 contribution purchases one stove. Most everyone I know, even those with not much money, can afford to donate $20. It can, will, change lives. This is the perfect day to make a donation to do something to change lives, the Inauguration of the President of the United States and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And you know what, I received a personal thank-you from Jody. That really touched me, I didn't expect it.
We live in an age where we're riveted to and dismayed by what what we see on the news. It's then replaced by the next event that happens. However, the devastation and struggle still remain. Over 500,000 - half a million - people, folks are still living in tents in Haiti. They have no plumbing, no electricity. It's difficult to comprehend living in this country that we are lucky enough to live in. Our country isn't perfect, but we are so blessed - and take so much for granted.
Please, go here and donate. Create your own page and donate, or go to Meg's page and donate in her name. You'll feel great and make a difference all at the same time.